Art, Photography, & Design Products


I've had people asking about prints or other similar things for some time. This is the space to make my creative content available to those that are interested.

I've been talking about doing this for years, but the old saying, "The cobblers son has no shoes" could not be more relevant than it is in my case. I have always been capable, but building a storefront feels so much like my day job as a UX architect, and I create things partially as an escape from the creative confines of product development, so the last thing I want to do, at the end

of my work day, is stay tethered. However, I have been getting more and more into additional computer time requirements, as I move deeper into photography and digital art, so at this point the storefront construction is feeling like a drop in the bucket. Maybe it can offset some of the expense of what I do, especially when it come to the cost of photography equipment?

My Philosophy

Be creative, compassionate, empathic, and transparent. With my art, I do what appeals to me, and I hope that is not offensive to anyone. With my photography, I believe in ethical practices for photographing wildlife. I don't use calls, baiting, or anything that might alter an animals natural behavior. I try my best to assure the wildlife never knows I am there, and does not feel threatened by me. With my digital art I believe in being transparent about my process and weather or not that included AI (more about AI on the home page)
― Jerimy Brown, sole owner of SIDE HUSTLE
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